Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mistake on URL (Typo)

Sorry--I typed Jane Davies URL wrong: it's http://janedaviesstudios.com/.


  1. I'm just commenting to see how you do it! This is just a test.

    1. You have to subscribe and comment, then hit publish. Thanks!

  2. Hi Deb, I'm trying this out to see if I can do it right.

    Congratulations on your new Blog site! You are sooo talented, creative, and outgoing. Now all my homemade cards from you will be worth a lot of money some day! Good luck. Love, Susie

  3. Hi Deb. Thanks for your comment on Collage Journeys. Julie is here right now at my Collage Journeys in Vermont workshop, which just started today. So far I haven't had any men come to my workshops, but you can certainly bring your husband if you choose to do it next year. I rent guest houses (or you can get your own accommodations) which have doubles in some of the rooms. Make sure to get on my mailing list, if you aren't already, via the blog or web site. Cheers!

  4. Thanks for all your good words, Susie. I hope you're doing well. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you when you were in New Jersey. I didn't have the time to get a hand-made card to you for your birthday this summer, but there will be more to come. I'll call one of these days, before too long.

  5. Hi Jane--Thanks for getting back to me so fast! I wish I had been able to visit Somerset this year so I could have met you, Julie, and other great artists that I know of. I don't know Julie in person, but I have a couple her DVD workshops. Isn't the world of mixed media artists a wonderful universe unto itself?
