Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fun with Photography

I almost couldn't think of anything to blog about today and then I thought about photography. I have a 35 mm camera that I bought quite a number of years ago. It still works great. I have a USB connector to attach it to my computer for downloading photos. I hope it hangs in there for a long time so I don't have to spend a lot of money on another camera.

It's great to be able to download photos to email to friends, to take photos of your art for inclusion in blogs or online galleries like the one on clothpaperscissors.com, flickr.com, and other web sites.

Below are some photos I took. I'll give a caption for each one.

This was taken on a dear friend's patio:
This photo is of my lavender plant:
Here's a dwarf sunflower that I grew a couple of summers ago:
And ... here's a harp circle that I used to attend:

My nieces and their stepbrother are cute and funny characters. This is an example, although I didn't take  it.

I'd like to hear about your photography adventures.
Bye for now!

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